“Take and eat; this is my body.” MT 26:26

“Take and eat; this is my body.” MT 26:26

Monday 27 April 2015


For Canadians embracing the calls for euthanasia, here's an eye-opener. Read this and you'll have a different perspective. It's a review of a book called A review of Do You Call This A Life?  Blurred Boundaries in the Netherlands’ Right-to-Die Laws. It's by Gerbert van Loenen, a Dutch journalist.

Most folks have probably never heard of the guy, but if you're interested in fighting the pro-life cause, this my friend, is essential reading material.

The link won't give you the whole book, no, it's just a review. Still, it should wet your appetite for more. As the article says:

"Do You Call this a Life? Blurred Boundaries in the Netherlands’ Right-to-Die Laws is the result of his research. The book is an objective and exhaustive exposition of what is happening on the ground in the Netherlands with respect to euthanasia. Van Loenen traces changing attitudes through the media, medicine and the courts over time."

"Over time." That part sticks out to me most. Why? Well, when you open the door to euthanasia, you're not speeding down the slippery slope right away. I'd imagine that, in the beginning, you still have time to put the breaks on, you know, before you pick up speed.

Personally, I like the connection you see here to how this was, "borne out in the push to legalize the killing of babies"... a nice connection to the abortion crisis we're fighting right now.

I'll go further on that, though, and I'll trace this back on the whole contraception revolution... then again, that's a topic for another day.


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