“Take and eat; this is my body.” MT 26:26

“Take and eat; this is my body.” MT 26:26

Friday 24 April 2015


I'm not usually a fan of what Hollywood has to offer up.

I love movies, don't get me wrong... they just usually give us the wrong message.

When was the last time you saw a movie that didn't have violence in it? Or what about one where promiscuity wasn't idolized as a virtue?

For the record, I'm not saying I've never watched any of these kinds of movies before (and don't see a few here and there these days). I'm pretty excited about the new Avengers movie coming out. I also can't say that I won't go to see the new Star Wars film when it hits theatres. I still have some growing and more discerning to do.

As someone who wants to live out his Catholic faith, as a devoted follower of Christ, that process gets a little trickier.. then again, maybe it's only tough because I make it that way.

What am I talking about?

Once you've fully immersed yourself into the culture of death, it can be hard to wash away the stain. There's stuff that always comes up to entice you back in.

Maybe once you've decided to commit yourself to Christ, you give up gangster or horror movies because of the violence and the profanity. Then, once in a while, you find yourself going back to get a quick fix. The same could be said about other kinds of movies that don't promote Christian values too, I suppose.

Don't be discouraged... stick to Christ and cling to the Cross.

For me, I'm a big fan of comic book/sci-fi movies, and every time summer rolls around, out comes a new crop of films that try and pull me in.

I think it's important to approach discernment in this area by forming your faith. If you have a solid foundation, it'll be tougher to rock you at the core of who you are.

More importantly, we have to arm ourselves through prayer and the Sacraments. If we want to follow Christ, we need to walk close with Him, so the Eucharist is number one on the list... so are regular visits to the confessional. Just connecting with those two will help you tremendously in so many other ways, but I believe when it comes to Western pop-culture, they're more important than people think.

As far as the new movie Little Boy  goes, it doesn't look like your typical Tinseltown offering. It's a Christian movie, so there you go.

I have the trailer posted here, I also have a link to a review.


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